Wednesday, 15 November 2006: 7:55 AM
305: Emerging contaminants and Land-applied Manures and Biosolids: IV
Sponsor:S11 Soils & Environmental Quality
Cosponsors:A05 Environmental Quality; S03 Soil Biology & Biochemistry
Presidings:Lakhwinder S. Hundal, MWRD
Kuldip Kumar, MWRDGC, Research and Development
 Introductory Remarks
 Alternative Approach to Address Emerging Contaminants in Land Applied Biosolids.
Al Alwan, USEPA Region 5
 Occurrence of Estrogenic Compounds in Manures and Biosolids.
Kuldip Kumar, Research and Development, MWRDGC, Satish Gupta, Univ of Minnesota, Dept of Soil, Water, & Climate, Ashok Singh, Veterinary Population Medicine, Shveta Gupta, Univ of Minnesota, Veterinary Population Medicine, Yogesh Chander, Univ of Minnesota, Veterinary Population Medicine, Lakhwinder Hundal, Research and Development, MWRDGC, Albert Cox, Research and Development, MWRDGC, Thomas Granato, Research and Development, MWRDGC
 A Geographic Profile of Manure Production and Antbiotic Use in the Ogallala Aquifer Region.
Prasanna Gowda, CPRL-USDA-ARS, William Rice, CPRL-USDA-ARS, Kuldip Kumar, Research and Development, MWRDGC, Terry A. Howell, CPRL-USDA-ARS
 Nonequilibrium Sorption and Transport of Agricultural Antibiotics in Soil.
Jaehoon Lee, Univ. of Tennessee, Biosys.Eng & Env. Sci., Youngho Seo, Univ. of Tennessee, Biosys.Eng & Env. Sci., Michael Essington, Univ. of Tennessee, Biosys.Eng & Env. Sci.
 Mobility of tetracycline and fluoroquinolone antibiotics in organic matter-rich soils: Implications for biosolids application and management.
Allison MacKay, Univ of Connecticut, Raquel Figueroa, Univ of Connecticut
 The Fate of Manure-borne, Land-Applied Hormones.
Francis Casey, North Dakota State Univ, Gerald L. Larsen, North Dakota State Univ, Animal Metabolism Unit, Bioscience Research Lab, Heldur Hakk, North Dakota State Univ, Animal Metabolism Unit, Bioscience Research Lab, Zhaosheng Fan, North Dakota State Univ
  Ash Sajjad, EPA Region 5
 Discussion & Concluding Remarks
Cosponsors:A05 Environmental Quality; S03 Soil Biology & Biochemistry

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