Wednesday, 15 November 2006: 1:00 PM-3:00 PM
262: Soil Fertility and Chemistry of Turf Soils
Sponsor:C05 Turfgrass Science
A Survey of Home Lawn Soil Phosphorus Levels in North Central Indiana.
Jared R. Nemitz, Purdue University, Victoria Caceres, Purdue University, Kristina S. Walker, Purdue University, Cale Bigelow, Purdue University, Douglas Richmond, "Purdue Univ. - Dept, of Entomology"
Evaluation of Cadmium Uptake and Growth Inhibition of Three Turfgrass Species.
Yu-Jen Kuo, Chinese Culture University
Changes in Soil of Plant Available Phosphorus with Kentucky Bluegrass Turf.
Emily Horner, The Ohio State University, David Gardner, The Ohio State University
Tall Fescue Root Growth and Clipping Yield Response to Gypsum in Highly Weathered Acid Soils.
John Kruse, Georgia Pacific Corporation, William P. Miller, University of Georgia, M.J. Schlossberg, Penn State University
Turf Response to Supplemental Phosphorus on P-Deficient Soil.
Anthony Koski, Colorado State University, Sarah Wilhelm, Colorado State University, Yaling Qian, Colorado State University

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