Monday, 13 November 2006: 4:00 PM-6:00 PM
64: Wheat and Misc . Cereals
Sponsor:C03 Crop Ecology, Management & Quality
Effects of Cropping Systems on Winter Wheat and Double-crop Soybean Yield.
Kenneth Kelley, KSU-SE Ag. Research Center
Environment-Friendly Managements by Paddy-Upland Rotation Cropping Systems and Restoration Technology in Fallow Farmland.
Su Jin Ahn, Crop Science and Biotechnology,CALS, Seoul National University, Ho Jin Lee, Crop Science and Biotechnology,CALS, Seoul National University, Ji Hoon Chung, Crop Science and Biotechnology,CALS, Seoul National University, Su Kyeung Lee, Crop Science and Biotechnology,CALS, Seoul National University
Winter Wheat Productivity is Affected by Selection of Summer Fallow Replacement Crops.
Drew Lyon, Univ. of Nebraska, Panhandle Res. & Ext. Ctr., David Nielsen, USDA-ARS,Central Grt Plns.Res
Effects of planting dates, N application and harvesting dates on DON contamination in spring wheat.
Bao-Luo Ma, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Kalidas Subedi, Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada, Allen Xue, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Planting Date Affects Grain Yield and Height of TifGrain 102 Pearl Millet in the Southeastern Coastal Plain.
Andrea Maas, USDA-ARS, Wayne Hanna, Univ of Georgia
Content of polyphenol and â-glucan of naked and covered barley varieties grown in Korea.
Mi Ja Lee, Honam Agricultural Research Institute, Yang Kil Kim, Honam Agricultural Research Institute, Chul Soo Park, Honam Agricultural Research Institute, Jung Gon Kim, Honam Agricultural Research Institute, Hyung Soon Kim, Dept. of Environmental & Chemical engineering, Seonam University, Jae Hwan Seo, Honam Agricultural Research Institute, Jong Jin Hwang, Honam Agricultural Research Institute
Growth, yield and floral sterility from cold damage of rice cultivars under a water-storage type deep-irrigation regime.
Toshiaki Ishibashi, Grad. Schl. Agric. Sci., Tohoku Univ., Mituso Saito, Miyagi Univ., Makie Kokubun, Grad. Schl. Agric. Sci., Tohoku Univ., Satoshi Nakamura, Miyagi Univ., Yusuke Goto, Grad. Schl. Agric. Sci., Tohoku Univ.
Low-pressure, Drip-irrigation for Rice.
Brian Ottis, University of Missouri, Joseph C. Henggeler, University of Missouri, Earl Vories, USDA-ARS
Wheat productivity and water use in intensive cropping systems under drought.
Robert Aiken, K-State NWREC

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