Wednesday, 15 November 2006: 4:00 PM-6:00 PM
253: Symposium--Reassessing Corn and Soybean Response to Defoliation Injury: II
Sponsor:C03 Crop Ecology, Management & Quality
Soybean Yield Response to Leaf Defoliation.
Burton L. Johnson, North Dakota State Univ, Paula J. Petersen, North Dakota State Univ., Mark E. Zarnstorff, National Crop Insurance Serv.
Cotyledon and Leaf Removal on VC Soybean Plants.
Jeffrey A. Coulter, Univ. of Illinois, Emerson D. Nafziger, Univ. of Illinois
Development of a Yield Loss Prediction Model for Asian Soybean Rust.
Joseph Omielan, UK Plant & Soil Sciences, Saratha Kumudini, UK Plant & Soil Sciences, Claudia V. Godoy, Embrapa - Soja
Development of Vegetation Indices as Economic Thresholds for Control of Defoliating Insects of Soybean.
James Board, Department of Agronomy and Environmental Management, Vijay Maka, Department of Agronomy and Environmental Management, Randy Price, Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering, Dina Knight, Center for Geoinformatics, Matthew E. Baur, Louisiana State University Agriculture Center
Effect of node removal on soybean grain yield and composition.
Palle Pedersen, Dept. of Agronomy, Shawn Conley, Department of Agronomy
Relationship Between Leaf Area Index and Yield in Double-Crop and Full-Season Soybean Systems.
Sean Malone, Virginia Tech - Tidewater AREC, D. Ames Herbert Jr., Virginia Tech - Tidewater AREC, David Holshouser, Virginia Tech - Tidewater AREC
Using Remote Sensing to Estimate Soybean Leaf Area.
David Holshouser, Virginia Tech -Tidewater AREC
Impact of Defoliant Type and Application Timing on Soybean Yield and Seed Quality in the Mid-South USA.
Clifford Koger, "USDA-ARS, CGPRU", Daniel O. Stephenson, University of Arkansas
Simulated Soybean Rust Infections Through Manual Defoliation: Yield and Quality Effects.
Seth Naeve, Univ. of Minnesota, Emerson Nafziger, Crop Sciences/W301 Turner Hall, Kurt Thelen, Michigan State University, Shawn Conley, Department of Agronomy, Bruce Potter, University of Minnesota, Fritz Breitenbach, Univ of Minnesota
Impact of Defoliation on Grain and Stalk Quality in Corn.
Peter Thomison, The Ohio State University, Allen Geyer, The Ohio State University
Leaf Loss in Transgenic Corn Hybrids.
Emerson Nafziger, Crop Sciences/W301 Turner Hall, Roger Elmore, Iowa State Univeristy, Lori J. Adendroth, Iowa State Univeristy, Mark Zarnstorff, National Crop Insurance Serv.
Early Season Insect Defoliation Influences the Critical Time for Weed Removal in Soybean.
Steven Knezevic, Haskell Agricultural Laboratory, Travis Gustafson, Univ. of NE
Recovery of node removal on soybean using two plant populations.
Shawn Conley, Department of Agronomy, Palle Pedersen, Dept. of Agronomy

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