Wednesday, 15 November 2006: 10:00 AM-12:00 PM
283: Land Use and Management Effects on Soil Biology and Biochemistry
Sponsor:S03 Soil Biology & Biochemistry
Isotopic N and C kinetics in soil and corn over 25 years with different managements.
Y. Zhang, Univ. of Minnesota, C.E. Clapp, USDA-ARS & Univ. of Minnesota, 439 Borlaug Hall, J.A.E Molina, Univ. of Minnesota, D.T. Lee, Univ. of Minnesota
Carbon Sequestration in Reclaimed Coal Mine Lands of Wyoming.
Girisha Ganjegunte, Texas A&M University System, Peter Stahl, University of Wyoming, George Vance, University of Wyoming
Reduced Tillage in a Three Year Potato Rotation.
Harold Collins, USDA-ARS, Ashok Alva, USDA-ARS, Vegetable and Forage Cro, Rick Boydston, USDA-ARS, Francis Pierce, Washington State University, Ekaterina Riga, Washington State University, Phil Hamm, Oregon State University
Changes in Soil Biological and Physical Properties from In-Row to Inter-Row Positions in a Strip-Till Vegetable Production System.
Laura Overstreet, North Dakota State University, Greg Hoyt, Mtn. Hort. Crops Res. & Ext. Center
Tillage Systems Influence Glyphosate Degradation in Soils Cropped to Cotton.
Yucheng Feng, Auburn University, Kipling S. Balkcom, USDA-ARS, Andrew J. Price, USDA-ARS, Michele R. Owsley, Auburn University
Monitoring Dissolved Organic Carbon and Nutrients in Soil Solution from an Urban Landscape.
David Zuberer, Texas A&M Univ., Soil & Crop Science Dept., Frank Hons, Texas A&M Univ., Soil and Crop Sciences Dept., Tony Provin, Texas A&M Univ., Soil and Crop Sciences Dept., Terry J. Gentry, Texas A&M Univ., Soil and Crop Sciences Dept., Stephen Caster, Texas A&M Univ., Soil and Crop Sciences Dept.
Green Manure Effects on Root-knot Nematodes (Meloidogyne javanica) and Following Taro (Colocasia esculenta) Crop.
Susan C. Miyasaka, University of Hawaii, Joseph DeFrank, University of Hawaii, Brent Sipes, University of Hawaii, Andrea Blas, University of Hawaii
Indirect and Direct Effects of Restoration Treatments on Soil Food Web Structure in a Landfill Remediation.
Lori Biederman, Texas A&M University, Steven Whisenant, Texas A&M University
Environmental Effects of the Application of Synthetic Urine to Feedlot Surfaces.
William Rice, USDA, ARS, CPRL, N. Andy Cole, USDA, ARS, CPRL, Richard Todd, USDA-ARS
Temperature Response of Labile and Stable Soil Organic Carbon.
Cinzia Fissore, Michigan Technological University, Christian P. Giardina, Institute of Pacific Islands Forestry, USDA Forest Service - PSW Research Station
Cover Crop, Amendment, and Tillage Effects on Collembolans and Nematodes in an Organic Vegetable System.
Douglas Collins, Washington State Univ, - REC, Craig G. Cogger, WSU - REC, Ann C. Kennedy, USDA-ARS, Tom Forge, AAFC, Andy I. Bary, WSU - REC
Influence of Organic Transition Strategy on the Nematode Community Structure and Biologically-Based Fertility.
Carmen M. Ugarte, Dept. of Natural Resources & Environmental Sciences, Michelle M. Wander, Dept. of Natural Resources & Environmental Sciences
Carbon Decomposition in an Organic Farming System.
Alassane Sissoko, Tuskegee University, K. Kpomblekou-A, Tuskegee University
Spatial Distributions of Soil Carbon Pools Affected by Topography and Management Practices.
Xinmei Hao, Michigan State Univ., Alexandra Kravchenko, Michigan State Univ, Dept. of Crop & Soil Sciences, Senthil K. Subramanian, Michigan State Univ., Alvin Smucker, Michigan State Univ., G. P. Robertson, Michigan State University
No Extra Soil C storage in No-Till Systems : a Meta-Analysis.
Inigo Virto, INAPG UMR Bioemco, Claire Chenu, INAPG UMR Bioemco, May Balabane, INRA Unité Pessac

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