Wednesday, 15 November 2006: 4:00 PM-6:00 PM
257: Seed Production and Quality Assessments
Sponsor:C04 Seed Physiology, Production & Technology
Sugarcane Storage for Ohio.
Jeff Rutan, Wilmington College, Tom Stilwell, Wilmington College
Slow Drying Improved Desiccation Tolerance of Immature Seeds of Common Vetch.
Nezar Samarah, Jordan Univ of Science & Technology
Optimizing Sativa and Falcata Alfalfa Subspecies Ratios for Leafcutter Bee Pollination to Maximize Hybrid Seed Ratios.
Heathcliffe Riday, US Dairy Forage Research Center
Moisture Content and Temperature Effects on Three-Day-Old Maize and Soybean Seedlings Using SVIS.
Miller McDonald Jr., The Ohio State Univ, Dept. Hort. & Crop Science, Rafael R. Otoni, University Federal of Lavras
Identification of Hybrid Corn Seeds Using Near Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy.
Tai-Gi Min, Daegu Univ., Woo-Sik Kang, Daegu Univ., Suk Lee, Yeungnam Univ, School of Biological Sciences
Seed Quality and Hormone.
Qingzhang Xu, Monsanto
Winter Rapeseed Advances in North Dakota.
Burton L. Johnson, North Dakota State Univ., Bryan K. Hanson, North Dakota Ag. Expt. Stn. Langdon Research Ext. Center, Paula J. Petersen, North Dakota State University
Mechanistic Evaluation of Calcium Movement into Developing Chickpea Seeds.
Michael A. Grusak, USDA-ARS-SPA-CNRC, Shahal Abbo, Hebrew University of Jerusalem

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