Monday, 13 November 2006: 9:10 AM
102: Soil Management Effects on Soil C and GHG Emmissions
Sponsor:S06 Soil & Water Management & Conservation
Presiding:Alan Franzluebbers, USDA-ARS
 Introductory Remarks
 13C Fractionation During Soil Organic C Mineralization Impacts on Calculated Half-Lives.
David Clay, South Dakota State Univ, Plant Science Dept., C. Clapp, USDA-ARS, Upper Buford Circle, 439 Borlaug Hall, C.G. Carlson, South Dakota State Univ, Plant Science Dept
 Trace Gas Emissions from Corn-Soybean Rotations on a Mollisol.
D.E. Stott, USDA-ARS, D.R. Smith, USDA-ARS, D.L. Bucholtz, USDA-ARS
 Can Dense Topographical Information and Long-Term Yield Monitor Data Substantially Improve Total Soil C Mapping?.
Alexandra N. Kravchenko, MSU, Crop & Soil Sciences Dept, G. Philip Robertson, MSU, Crop & Soil Sciences Dept
 Minimum C Inputs and Sustainability of Biomass Harvest.
Jane Johnson, n/a, Raymond Allmaras, 1944 Rosedale Dr, Donald Reicosky, USDA, Agricultural Research Service
 Long-Term Tillage Effects on Soil Texture, Structure and Organic Matter.
Joel Gruver, NCSU Soil Science, Robert Walters, NCSU Soil Science, Michael Wagger, NCSU Soil Science
 Evaluating Conservation Tillage Practices on Severely Eroded Soils of the Pacific Island of Guam.
Mohammad Golabi, College of Applied & Natural Sciences
 Soil Structural Recovery in Relation to Carbon and Nitrogen Content in a Chronosequence of Reclaimed Sites.
Abbey Wick, Univ of Wyoming, Peter D. Stahl, Univ of Wyoming, Lachlan J. Ingram, Univ of Wyoming, Gerald Schuman, USDA-ARS High Plains Grasslands, George F. Vance, Univ of Wyoming

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