Tuesday, 14 November 2006: 1:00 PM
157: Symposium--Impact of Innovative Technologies in Precision Agriculture Nutrient Management
Sponsor:A09 Professional Practitioners
Cosponsors:S04 Soil Fertility & Plant Nutrition; S08 Nutrient Management & Soil & Plant Analysis
Presiding:Clifford Snyder, Potash and Phosphate Institute
 Introductory Remarks
 Can optical sensing identify the right N rate for corn?.
Robert Mullen, OARDC/Ohio State University, William Raun, 044 N Ag Hall, OK State Univ., James Schepers, 113 Keim Hall, Newell Kitchen, Univ. of Missouri/USDA-ARS, Gyles Randall, Univ. Minn.-So. Res. & Outreach Ctr, Gregory Schwab, UK Dept. of Agronomy, Wade Thomason, Virginia Tech, Steven Phillips, Eastern Shore AREC, John Shanahan, USDA-ARS, Dennis Francis, "USDA-ARS, Univ. Of Nebraska", Jeffrey A. Vetsch, Univ. of Minnesota, Southern Research and Outreach Center
 Can optical sensors reduce field N losses?.
N. R. Kitchen, USDA-ARS, Cropping Systems and Water Quality Res. Unit, Peter Scharf, University of Missouri, Darrin Roberts, University of Missouri, Kenneth A. Sudduth, USDA-ARS, Cropping Syst. and Water Quality Res. Unit
 Crop Management Zones Agronomic and Economic Successes.
Rajiv Khosla, C013 Plant Sciences Bldg., Dwayne Westfall, C013 Plant Sciences Bldg.
 Aerial imagery in mid season can detect and guide response to corn N stress.
Peter Scharf, Univerisity of Missouri-Columbia
 Industry Perspective on the Use of Aerial Imagery for N Management.
Larry Hendrickson, John Deere AMS
 Grain quality sensing at time of harvest: nutrient management opportunities.
Dan Long, USDA-ARS Col Plateau Cons Res Ctr, Richard Engel, Montana State Univ.
 Application accuracy: where are we and where can we go?.
Scott A. Shearer, University of Kentucky
 Economics of Innovative Technologies in Precision Agriculture Nutrient Management.
J. Lowenberg-DeBoer, Purdue University, Bruce Erickson, Purdue University
Cosponsors:S04 Soil Fertility & Plant Nutrition; S08 Nutrient Management & Soil & Plant Analysis

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