Monday, 13 November 2006: 8:25 AM
60: Symposium--Crop Stress Physiology: The Linkage Between Genes and Functions
Sponsor:C02 Crop Physiology and Metabolism
Cosponsor:C07 Genomics, Molecular Genetics & Biotechnology
Presiding:Bingru Huang, Rutgers Univ, Dept. of Plant Science
 Introductory Remarks
 Searching for genes controlling frost and winter survival: Merging physiological, biochemical and genetic approaches to make real progress.
Jiwan Palta, Univ. of Wisconsin, Dept. of Horticulture
 Exploring Mechanisms of Heat Tolerance in Perennial Grass Species from Whole-plant to Molecular Biology.
Bingru Huang, Dept. of Plant Biology and Pathology
 Analysis of the flooding tolerance transcriptome in plant by comparative expression profiling.
Tara VanToai, USDA/ARS Soil Drain. Res. Unit
 Root Growth Maintenance During Water Deficits: Physiology to Cell Wall Proteomics---and Back to Physiology.
Robert Sharp, Univ. of Missouri-Columbia, Jinming Zhu, Univ. of Missouri-Columbia, Sophie Alvarez, Donald Danforth Plant Science Center, Mary LeNoble, Univ. of Missouri-Columbia, Ellen Marsh, Donald Danforth Plant Science Center, Sixue Chen, Donald Danforth Plant Science Center, Daniel Schachtman, Donald Danforth Plant Science Center, Yajun Wu, Utah State Univ., Tao Wenjing, Univ. of Missouri-Columbia, Henry Nguyen, Univ. of Missouri-Columbia, Bill Spollen, University of Missouri-Columbia, Gordon Springer, University of Missouri-Columbia, In-Jeong Cho, Univ. of Missouri-Columbia, Mayandi Sivaguru, University of Missouri-Columbia
 Identifying Genes and their Functions for Drought Tolerance of Maize at Early Kernel Development.
Tim L. Setter, Cornell Univ., Dept. Crop and Soil Sci.
 Improving salt tolerance in small grain crops using physiological genomics approaches.
Clyde Wilson, U.S. Salinity Laboratory, USDA-ARS, Linghe Zeng, Crop Genetics and Production Unit., Harkamal Walia, University of California, Davis, Abdelbagi Ismail, International Rice Research Institute, Timothy Close, University of California, Riverside
Cosponsor:C07 Genomics, Molecular Genetics & Biotechnology

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