Tuesday, 14 November 2006: 12:55 PM
197: Drainage Water Management in the Midwest: I
Sponsor:S06 Soil & Water Management & Conservation
Presiding:Sheryl Kunickis, NRCS
 Introductory Remarks
 Can Drainage Systems Be Designed to Reduce Nitrogen Losses to Surface Waters?.
R. Wayne Skaggs, BAE, NC State Univ
 Drainage Water Management: A Literature Study and Implementation Progress in Minnesota.
Gary Sands, Univ of Minnesota, Matthew Helmers, Iowa State Univ, Mark Dittrich, Minnesota Dept of Agriculture, Craig Schrader, Univ of Minnesota, Lowell Busman, Minnesota Dept of Agriculture
 Managing Agricultural Drainage Waters for Water Supply and Quality.
Larry C. Brown, Overholt Drainage Education and Research Program, Ohio State Univ
 The Illinois Conservation Drainage Research/Demonstration Program.
Richard Cooke, Univ of Illinois
 Drainage and Subirrigation of Claypan Soils.
Kelly Nelson, Univ. of Missouri, Matthew Jones, Univ. of Missouri, Randall Smoot, Univ. of Missouri
 Comparison of Water Quantity and Quality between Subsurface Tile and Edge-of-Field Runoff from a Wisconsin Agricultural Landscape.
Eric Cooley, Univ of Wisconsin, Discovery Farms Program, Kevan Klingberg, Univ of Wisconsin, Discovery Farms Program
 Drainage Water Management Effects on Drainflow and Water Table Depths at Four Sites in Indiana.
Roxanne K. Adeuya, Purdue Univ, Jane R. Frankenberger, Purdue Univ, Eileen J. Kladivko, Purdue Univ, Laura C. Bowling, Purdue Univ

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