Monday, 13 November 2006: 4:00 PM-6:00 PM
117: Nutrient Management: I
Sponsor:S08 Nutrient Management & Soil & Plant Analysis
Site Assessment of the Wawawai Canyon Vineyard.
Suphasuk Pradubsuk, Dept of Crop and Soil Sciences, Washington State Univ, Erik Smith, Dept of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture, Washington State Univ, Christine Havens, Dept of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture, Washington State Univ
Broiler Litter Application Date on Bermudagrass in Southeastern U.S.
Karamat Sistani, USDA-ARS, Ardeshir Adeli, USDA-ARS Waste Mgmt & Forage, Haile Tewolde, USDA-ARS, Geoffrey Brink, US Dairy Forage Research Center
The Role of Organic Phosphorus in Alum's Ability to Reduce Phosphorus Solubility in Poultry Litter and Litter Amended Soils.
Jason G. Warren, USDA-ARS Animal Waste Management Research Unit, Joshua McGrath, Univ of Maryland, Chad J. Penn, Oklahoma State Univ
Impacts of Long-Term Land Applied Poultry Litter on Soil Properties and Macro Cations Status.
Zhongqi He, USDA-ARS, Irenus Tazisong, Alabama A&M Univ, Zachary Senwo, Alabama A&M Univ, Donglin Zhang, Univ of Maine
Spectra Characteristics of Water Extractable Organic Matter from Soils of Different Land Uses in a Subarctic Alaska Environment.
Mingchu Zhang, Univ of Alaska-Fairbanks, Stephen Sparrow, Univ of Alaska-Fairbanks, Steve Seefeldt, Subarctic Agricultural Research Unit, USDA-ARS
Temperature Quotients of Ammonia Emission for Different Nitrogen Sources Applied to Four Agricultural Soils.
Guodong Liu, Univ of Florida/TREC, Yuncong Li, Univ of Florida/TREC, Ashok Alva, USDA-ARS, Vegetable and Forage Cro
Implications of Phosphorus Leaching in Soils Included in the Soil Characterization Database.
Major Mays, USDA/Natural Resources Conservation, Moustafa Elrashidi, USDA-NRCS,NSSC Federal Bldg, Rm 152, David Hammer, USDA/Natural Resources Conservation Service
Characterizing Bioactive Phosphorus Fractions in Cerrado Oxisols under Conventional- and No-tillage.
Paulo S. Pavinato, USDA-ARS, Thanh H. Dao, USDA-ARS, Ciro Rosolem, Dep. Crop Science
Tracking N Use Efficiency with 15N Labeling of Corn.
Sharon Lachnicht Weyers, USDA-ARS North Central Soil Consv., Jane M.-F. Johnson, USDA-ARS North Central Soil Consv., Alan Olness, USDA-ARS North Central Soil Consv., C. Clapp, 439 Borlaug Hall, Alan Wilts, 439 Borlaug Hall, Jana Rinke, 439 Borlaug Hall, Nancy Barbour, 439 Borlaug Hall
Evaluating Corn Response to Sulfur by Use of Mehlich 3 in North Carolina.
David Hardy, NC Dept of AG & Consumer Serv, Greg Hoyt, Mtn. Hort. Crops Research & Ext Center
Economic Automated Nutrient Analysis For Soil and Plant Samples Using Flow Solution FS3100.
N. Liao, O. I. Analytical, W. Lipps, O. I. Analytical, C. Ranger, O. I. Analytical, X. Dai, Dept of Soil and Crop Sciences, Texas A&M Univ, D. Vietor, Dept of Soil and Crop Sciences, Texas A&M Univ
Predicting Grass Yields Using Common Soil Characteristics.
Amber Moore, North Carolina State Univ, Crop Science Dept, Jim Green, North Carolina State Univ, Crop Science Dept, Noah Ranells, North Carolina State Univ, Crop Science Dept
Soil Nutrient Accumulation in an Orchardgrass Hayfield following Poultry Litter Application.
R.A. Gilfillen, Western Kentucky Univ, B.B. Sleugh, Western Kentucky Univ, W.T. Willian, Western Kentucky Univ, M.L. Futrell, Western Kentucky Univ
Runoff Phosphorus Loss Immediately after Surface Application of Fertilizer and Swine, Poultry, or Beef Manure.
Mazhar U. Haq, Iowa State Univ, Antonio P. Mallarino, Iowa State Univ, Brett L. Allen, Iowa State Univ
Comparison of Vented Chamber Greenhouse Gas Sampling Techniques Including and Excluding Vegetation.
R. S. Tubbs, USDA-ARS, J. S. Schepers, USDA-ARS
Soil Active Carbon Assesment as Affected by Soil Properties and Testing Conditions.
Jianli Ping, Univ of Connecticut, Thomas Morris, Univ of Connecticut, Dawn Pettinelli, Univ of Connecticut, Robert Durgy, Univ of Connecticut
The Coupling of Site-scale on the Prediction of Agricultural Water Quality.
Minyoung Kim, USDA, Agricultural Research Service, Min-Kyeong Kim, National Institute of Agricultural Science, RDA, Nam-Jong Lee, National Institute of Agricultural Science, RDA, Kee-An Roh, National Institute of Agricultural Science, RDA, Mun-Hwan Koh, National Institute of Agricultural Science, RDA
Ammonia Emission Following Manure Injection.
Curtis Dell, USDA/ARS/PSWMRU Bldg 3702, Peter Kleinman, USDA-ARS, Bldg. 3702, Douglas Beegle, Pennsylvania State Univ, John Schmidt, USDA-ARS-PSWMRU
Determination of Total Nitrogen in Aqueous Samples Containing Suspended Solids Using a Modified Alkaline Persulfate Digestion.
Tony Provin, Texas A&M Univ System, John Pitt, Texas Cooperative Extension
Development of a Diffuse Reflectance Mid-Infrared Spectroscopic Technique to Assess Variability in the Type Organic Matter of Dry Screened Soils.
Rupinder Randhawa, Penn State Univ, Douglas D. Archibald, Penn State Univ
Effect of Rice Straw Incorporation on 15-N Labeled Ammonium Nitrogen Uptake and Rice Growth.
Manoch Kongchum, Dept. of Agronomy & Environmental, Ronald DeLaune, Wetland Biogechemistry Inst., Wayne Hudnall, Plant & Soil Science, Patrick Bollich, Central Research Station
Forms of Carbon in Organic and Conventional Farming Systems in a Semi-Arid Ecosystem of New Mexico.
Yoshiaki Ikemura, Plant & Environmental Sciences, Manoj Shukla, New Mexico State University, Pierre-Andre Jacinthe, Indiana U/Purdue U at Indianapolis
Soil Profile Nutrient Distribution Following 10 Years of Poultry Litter Application in Conventional and Conservation Tillage Systems.
Harry Schomberg, USDA-ARS, Dinku Endale, USDA-ARS, Michael Jenkins, USDA-ARS, Ronald Sharpe, USDA-ARS

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