Wednesday, 15 November 2006

Path Rush Control in Bermudagrass Turf.

Alan Estes and L.B. McCarty. Clemson University, E 142 Poole Ag. Center, Clemson, SC 24634

Path Rush (Juncus tenuis) is often found in moist, compacted soils and shaded areas.  The purpose of this research was to investigate the efficacy of various postemergence herbicides for Path Rush control.

In the summer of 2006 a study was conducted at Clemson University investigating Path Rush control with various postemergence herbicides.  Plot size for each treatment measured 1.5 m by 1.5 m, replicated three times.  Treatments were applied using a CO2 backpack sprayer calibrated at 20 GPA, at 31 p.s.i., with 8003 flat fan spray tips.  Treatments included: Monument (75WG) at 0.03 lb ai/A; Sedgehammer (75WG) at 0.06 lb ai/A;  Image (70DG) at 0.5 lb ai/A;  Basagran (4.0L) at 2.0 lb ai/A;  MSMA (6.6L) at 2.0 lb ai/A;  Image + MSMA at 0.38 lb ai/A + 1.0 lb ai/A;  Certainty (75WG) at 0.06 lb ai/A;  Dismiss (4L) at 0.375 lb ai/A. These treatments were applied initially and received a sequential three weeks after the initial. Treatments applied initially plus a sequential application 1 week after the initial, included SpeedZone (2.2L) at 1.1 lb ai/A and Trimec Classic (3.32L) at 1.66 lb ai/A.  A single application of Certainty was applied at 0.10 lb ai/A.  Initial treatments were made on May 26, 2006.  All treatments received Induce (non-ionic surfactant) at 0.25% V/V.

Visual control ratings were taken throughout the study.  Ratings for Path Rush control were based on a scale of 0 – 100% with 0% representing no control and 100% representing complete control.

By 60 days after initial treatment >80% Path Rush control was achieved with two applications of SpeedZone or Trimec Classic spaced seven days apart, along with two applications of Basagran spaced three weeks apart.  Future research at Clemson University will investigate new investigate and existing herbicides and combinations for Path Rush control.

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