Wednesday, 15 November 2006

Pre- and Post-Internship Academic Performance in Introductory and Advanced Turf Courses.

Haibo Liu, Clemson University, Department of Horticulture, 253 P & A Building, Clemson, SC 29634-0319

Turfgrass internship has been one of important part and required for the complete curriculum in today’s turf education.  Each summer, an estimated of 2,000 to 3,000 turfgrass students are taking a internship position on golf courses, sports fields, and other turfgrass related industry and even research facilities.  How does the internship impact the turfgrass students in their academic performance?  A four year study was conducted at Clemson University among the turfgrass students in comparison of their academic performance in the introduction level of turfgrass management and advanced level of turfgrass courses.  The study showed significant improvement in both level of turfgrass management courses after an internship.  According to a three year national survey among hundreds of turf interns, the three most significant technical aspects that the intern learned were fertilizer and chemical application, water management, and pest management. 

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