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Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Intercropping to Improve Resource Use Efficiency in Forage Production System.

Sangamesh Angadi, Mark Marsalis, and Robert Hagevoort. 2346 State Road 288, New Mexico State University, New Mexico State University, Agriculture and Science Center, Clovis, NM 88101-9998

Declining water resources is a major concern in the Southern High Plains of New Mexico and Texas, where dairy and beef industry is growing rapidly. To sustain the animal industry in the region, we need to improve efficiency of using limited water resources. One of the ways of achieving it is by developing intercropping systems of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L) and legume crops, which in addition to increasing water use efficiency, increases quality of the forage. A field research was initiated in 2006 to identify a suitable legume crop for intercropping with forage sorghum. Of 10 different legumes tried, lab lab cv. Rongai (Lablab perureus L) was the most promising. Irrigation levels seem to influence the contribution from legume. Most of the prostrate legumes did not perform well. Shade tolerance and growth duration closely matching forage sorghum are two important factors in deciding ideal intercrop with sorghum.