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Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Characterizing Hydrological Processes in Vadose Zone by Direct Infiltration Water Sampling.

Yasushi Mori1, Sunao Takada1, Naoko Higashi2, Hiroaki Somura1, and Ikuo Takeda1. (1) JAPAN,Shimane Univ., Life & Envir. Sci. Shimane Univ., 1060 Nishikawatsu-cho, Matsue, 690-8504, JAPAN, (2) Research Institute of Kyushu University Forest, 384 Tsunamiguro, Kasuya County, Shinoguri, Fukuoka, 811-2416, Japan

These days, planted forest mountainside was roughly maintained due to the population descent and small birth rate. Because thinning operation would delayed, forest was always dark and floor weed was rare. Management induced non point source pollution like surface soil erosion was suspected, however, we could not approach to the source with the stream water analysis. Therefore, direct soil water sampling device using glass fiber capillary force was developed to examine hydrological processes in watershed. In our design, water was collected just by the capillary force and let the excess water down through so that infiltration water was truly sampled and solute concentration kept the same quality as in soil water. The experiment was conducted at two neighboring Japanese cedar planted forest under different management, i.e., south slope was roughly maintained and west slope was well maintained by thinning operation. Load discharges were higher in south slope and lower in west slope. Infiltration water analysis revealed that ion concentration was gradually decreased at west slope, however in south slope, it dropped to lower level in soil water and increased again in stream water. The trend showed that soil buffering function was poor in south slope. Actually, disk permeameter survey revealed that hydraulic conductivity was small in south slope; TOC and biological activity were lower. This entire soil environment explained the water environmental differences in stream water. Because changes in soil environment affects water environment in the future, monitoring or examination of soil environment was considered as preventive measure for environmentally sound water and solute circulation in watershed.