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Monday, November 5, 2007

Using Mendel's Accountant to Simulate Mutation Accumulation and Genetic Load in Plants.

John C. Sanford, Horticultural Sciences, Cornell University, Geneva, NY 14456, John Baumgardner, Los Alamos National Laboratory (retired), Los Alamos, NM 87545, Paul Gibson, Int'l Inst. Cooperative Studies, Cooperative Studies Inc., PO Box 12830, Overland Park, KS 66282-2830, Wes Brewer, Computer Science & Electronic Engineering, Handong Global University, Handong, South Korea, and Walter ReMine, Science & Mathematics Dept., Northwestern College, St. Paul, MN 55113.

Long-standing theoretical concerns about mutation accumulation within higher organisms can now be addressed with numerical simulation. We have developed Mendel’s Accountant, which is a biologically realistic forward-time population genetics numerical simulation program. We have used this program to study mutation accumulation under a wide-range of circumstances. Using realistic estimates for the relevant biological parameters, we have investigated the rate of mutation accumulation, the distribution of the fitness effects of the accumulating mutations, and the overall effect on mean genotypic fitness. Our numerical simulations consistently show that deleterious mutations accumulate linearly across a large portion of the relevant parameter space. This appears to be primarily due to the predominance of nearly-neutral mutations. The problem of mutation accumulation becomes severe when mutation rates are high. Numerical simulations strongly support earlier theoretical and mathematical studies indicating that “genetic load” is a serious issue. Mendel's Accountant provides the opportunity to explore the relationship of mutation accumulation within the context of genetic resource preservation. Mendel also provides a practical basis for studying the basis of such things as hybrid vigor and numerous genomic evolutionary processes. Mendel's accountant can be downloaded free of charge at  We welcome feedback and suggestions.