Note: Program subject to change without notice

Monday, November 5, 2007

Using Vermiculture to Improve Agricultural-Industrial Engineer Student Informal Education.

Sergio J. Alejo-Lopez1, Graciela M. L. Ruiz-Aguilar1, and Luis F. Ramirez-Santoyo2. (1) Unidad de Estudios Superiores de Salvatierra, Universidad de Guanajuato, Privada de Arteaga s/n, Centro, Salvatierra, Gto., 38900, Mexico, (2) Instituto de Investigaciones Cientificas, Universidad de Guanajuato, Km. 9 Carretera Irapuato-Silao, Irapuato, 36500, Mexico

Agricultural engineering students require a more diverse practice to motivate development of their competitions in an independent way and outside scholar environment, along with an informal education and less traditional teaching. This tendency is observed in the actual undergraduate education in the world. Society is turning into urban mentality that makes feel that agriculture is a subject and a profession far a way from the daily activities of undergraduate students. In Mexico, agricultural scholar population has considerably decreased (in 2003 was 2.3 %). This situation has relation with the free farming market and the small participation of the State in nutritional policies and supplies. The present study represents the first of two parts related to use vermiculture to improve agricultural-industrial engineer student informal education. First part explains scholar vermiculture program at the agricultural-industrial engineer education. Second part is related to impact of vermiculture program on undergraduate students' homes. Methodology was developed with a double intention: educative and productive. Education intention was related to transmission and construction of practices by mean of training courses provided by professor to undergraduate students and from undergraduate students to high school and junior high school students at their schools. This allowed developing of values, knowledges and abilities in all participants. Also second intention was production of Californian red earthworm (Eisenia foetida), solid and liquid humus. They were used for production of plants, flowers, gardens and scholar farms. This system facilitated yielding young earthworms to use them at house. The results showed that education student-student in small groups, creates active interaction among students from different ages, academic degrees, etc. It has allowed fortified actions to grow trees, flowers and plants, in addition to promote love for agriculture at local schools. In some students' houses, practices of domestic and productive vermiculture are made.