Note: Program subject to change without notice

Monday, November 5, 2007

Experiences and Challenges in Establishing a Branch Station Endowment Fund.

Steven Petrie, PO Box 370, Oregon State University, Oregon State University, Columbia Basin Ag Res Ctr., Pendleton, OR 97801

The Oregon State University Columbia Basin Agricultural Research Center (CBARC) consists of two separate units, the Sherman Station and the Pendleton Station, located 190 km apart. The Sherman Station was threatened with closure in the early 1990's during a series of budget crises brought about by ballot measures that limited property taxes. In response, local growers banded together and developed an endowment fund to support the station and the current value of the fund exceeds $1 million. The Pendleton Station is where the 18 scientists and support personnel are located and is operated along side an ARS research facility with 20 employees. The Pendleton Station has not been threatened with closure and the local growers on the advisory committee did not feel the need to develop an endowment fund. Beginning three years ago, the advisory committee, with significant prompting by the Chair of the advisory committee, began to develop a local endowment fund. The Chair of the advisory committee and the Superintendent of the research station worked together closely to identify key individuals in the community to serve on the Steering Committee of the endowment fund. The progress was slow without the threat of closure and there were several challenges to overcome. Nonetheless, the endowment fund committee has been formed and is actively fund-raising. Contributions to date are in excess of $10,000.