Note: Program subject to change without notice

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Turfgrass Re-establishment Techniques Following Winterkill.

Erica Titus, Kevin Frank, and Joe Vargas. Michigan State University, Michigan State University, A584-g Plant Soil Science Building, East Lansing, MI 48824

The general loss of turf during winter is referred to as winterkill. Many cultural and environmental factors influence the prevention and occurrence of winterkill. Due to the scattered kill patterns re-seeding can prove difficult, although it is the primary technique for recovery. The objectives of this study are to determine the effect of turf species and fertilizer and protective cover program on reestablishment after winterkill. The experimental design is a 4 cultivar/species by 2 nutritional programs by 2 cover factorial with three replications. The study simulated winterkill by the application of non-selective herbicide in spring 2007. Once weather conditions permitted the damaged greens were seeded with creeping bentgrass cultivars A4, Alpha, and Providence at 98 kg/ha. Annual Bluegrass seedheads were collected from nearby putting green by collecting clippings following mowing. The clippings were then spread on the plots to facilitate germination. Prior to seeding a vertical aerator with a Job Saver attachment was used to create indentions for the seed to germinate. Starter fertilizer (19-25-5) was applied at 49 kg/ha at seeding and light topdressing applied to all plots. Once germination was accomplished then plots received a clear plastic cover when night temperatures fell below 10oC. Starting two weeks after seeding there were two fertilizer treatments: granular applied at 14.7 kg/ha every three weeks, and liquid fertilizer applied weekly at 4.9 kg/ha. Reestablishment of plots will be assessed using visual estimates and computer analysis by taking pictures and using Sigma Scan digital imaging software. Temperature measurements were taken at the 2.5cm soil depth during establishment and then at surface level for the duration of the study. Temperature readings were recorded every hour. Visual quality measurements will also be recorded as well as time of seedling emergence and days to complete cover. Results will be presented.