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Monday, November 5, 2007

Using State Soil Project in Soil Science Education.

Elena Mikhailova, Christopher Post, Andrea Koppenheffer, and John Asbill. 261 Lehotsky Hall, Clemson University, Clemson University, Dept. of Forestry and Natural Resources, Clemson, SC 29634

State soil is one of many symbols (e.g. tree, flower, bird etc.) adopted by citizens to be recognized as an important item to their state. We have developed a set of laboratory exercises, assignments and exams utilizing the State Soil that gives students an opportunity to practice interpretation of soil series descriptions, taxonomic classes, soil forming factors, soil physical and chemical properties. Sixty seven Clemson University students from various fields (horticulture, forestry, agricultural mechanization and agricultural education) had a hands-on experience with the State Soil Project during CSENV 202: Introductory Soil Science course taught in the spring 2006. Student responses to the laboratory exercises were strongly positive, both in terms of how the State Soil Project helped them understand a range of soil science topics as well as their practical applications. Incorporation of the State Soil Project into agricultural education should have a significant impact on the quality of soil science education and training.