Note: Program subject to change without notice

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

New University for Regional Innovation(NURI): A Strategic National Educational Project of Well-Being Agricultural Technology in Korea.

Jae Yang1, Yong Sik Ok1, Jae-In Pak1, and Young Rog Yeoung2. (1) KOREA,Kangwon Natl.Univ., Kangwon U. Division of Biology, 192-1 Hyoja 2 Dong, Chuncheon City, 200-701, SOUTH KOREA, (2) Dept. of Plant Science, Kangnung National University, 210-702 Jibyun dong, Gangnung, 210-702, South Korea

The Korea Ministry of Education and Human Resource Development has initiated the strategic New University for Regional Innovation (NURI) program ( which is a government-funded project to strengthen the capabilities of the regional colleges and universities located outside the Seoul metropolitan area. The NURI Project is intended to nurture excellent local manpower and give a boost to the employment rate of regional university graduates through specialized education programs. The phase I program continues for five years from 04 to 08 by funding US$260 million dollars per year to 130 regional universities. The Well-being Agricultural Technology (WAT) NURI specializes the curricula specific to the well-being food and the sustainable agricultural environment. Objectives of the WAT NURI program are to reinforce the competitiveness by training students with specialized curricula to meet the regional industrys demand and formulate the regional innovation system (RIS) through the university-oriented collaboration with the regional government, industries, research centers etc. This poster presents the major categories and outcomes of WAT NURI program, which are renovation of educational system, development of professional manpower, formulation of RIS and employment rate improvement system.