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Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Implications of Distiller's Grains on Nutrient Management.

John Lory, University of Missouri, Div of Plant Sci.-Univ. of Missouri, 210 Waters Hall, Columbia, MO 65211 and Raymond E. Massey, Agricultural Economics, University of Missouri, 123 Mumford Hall, Columbia, MO 65201.

 “New generation” dry grind ethanol production conserve nutrients in corn (Zea maize) while reducing mass by over 60%.  Resulting distiller’s grains have approximately triple the nutrient concentration of the source material.  Fertilizer value of the nutrients in the distillers grains is currently below 60 US$ Mg-1.  Current demand for distiller’s grains as an animal feed has kept the price substantially above that threshold.  Animals species raised on feed vary in the maximum proportion of the diet fed as distiller’s grains.  Feed formulations are not always able to compensate for the nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) in the distiller’s grains so N and P concentration can increase in manure.  One of the authors contributed to a spreadsheet that allows people formulating feeds to determine the impact of a feed formulation on land area, time and expense for manure management.