Note: Program subject to change without notice

Monday, November 5, 2007

Loop-Imbedded Turfgrass Modules for Online Instruction.

Jing Dai and A.J. Turgeon. Penn State University, 116 ASI Bldg., University Park, PA 16802

Instructional modules are typically designed with the linear format of a Powerpoint slide set, thus mimicking classroom-based instruction with its temporal and spatial constraints. Non-linear modules with specialized clarification, prerequisite, and elaboration loops can extend the utility and enhance the effectiveness of instructional modules. This is accomplished by providing the features needed by students of varying backgrounds and capabilities to master the subject matter and achieve their instructional objectives, despite their deficiencies and specific interests. Well-designed non-linear modules also provide instructors with powerful learning resources through which they can reduce lecture time and incorporate additional teaching techniques and resources into their courses of instruction to better prepare students in problem analysis and resolution.