Note: Program subject to change without notice

Monday, November 5, 2007

Louisiana Agricultural Experiment Station: Contributing to Economic Development through Traditional and Translational Research.

David Boethel, LSU AgCenter, P.O. Box 25055, Baton Rouge, LA 70894

Since the Louisiana Agricultural Experiment Station was created in 1886, the research conducted by its scientists has made significant contributions to economic development. Through 14 station directors, several organizational restructures, and changing demographics, the experiment station has remained focused on research that has ensured sustainability of the state's diverse agricultural enterprises and more recently, has addressed the growing stakeholder base in the urban and suburban communities. An illustration of the transition from traditional to translational research can be found in the plant variety development programs. These programs have been major economic engines for the agricultural producers, but likewise, the intellectual property associated with variety development has enabled the experiment station to reinvest and enhance these programs.