Note: Program subject to change without notice

Monday, November 5, 2007

Managing Herbicide-Resistant Weed Populations in Grain Sorghum - 2,4-D.

Kraig Roozeboom and David Regehr. Kansas State University, Dept. of Agronomy, 2014E Throckmorton Hall, Manhattan, KS 66506-5501

Many producers are searching for additional, economical options to control broadleaf weeds in sorghum. The tendency of 2,4-D to cause brittle stalks and other plant reactions is well documented. This has caused a movement away from this herbicide in recent years. The limited number of effective herbicides and the onset of triazine- and ALS-resistant amaranth have renewed interest in 2,4-D for weed control in sorghum. The objective of this study was to determine whether current hybrids differ in their response to applications of 2,4-D. Grain sorghum hybrids were arranged in paired plots with and without 2,4-D. All plots were maintained weed-free by pre-emergence herbicides and hand weeding. Plots were arranged in a randomized complete block experimental design. Blocks were split by hybrid maturity to facilitate timely harvest and four-row whole plots of each hybrid were split to provide paired treated vs. untreated two-row subplots. Injury ratings were made at 8, 14, and 21 days after treatment. Anthesis date, plant height, extent of lodging, and grain yield were recorded. No strong winds or storms occurred during the rest of the season, so lodging was minimal. Plant height and grain moisture showed no interaction between hybrid and 2,4-D application. Almost all hybrids showed significant early-season injury and a slight delay in bloom date, but the extent of response differed among hybrids. The effect of 2,4-D application on yield and test weight was not consistent among hybrids. Yield of almost 80% of hybrids was not significantly affected by 2,4-D treatment. Grain yield of two hybrids was significantly greater for treated than untreated subplots. Roughly 20% of hybrids yielded significantly less in treated subplots than in untreated subplots. Grain sorghum hybrids seem to differ in their response to applications of 2,4-D.