Note: Program subject to change without notice

Monday, November 5, 2007

Teaching Winter Wheat Variety Selection.

Jeffrey Golus and Robert Klein. University of Nebraska, West Central Research & Extension Center, 461 West University Drive, North Platte, NE 69101

Variety selection is one of the most important decisions a winter wheat grower has to make. The right or wrong decision can enhance or negate all other factors in profitable winter wheat production. When selecting seed, growers need to consider these variety characteristics: yield potential, winter hardiness, disease and insect resistance, maturity, straw strength, coleoptile length, plant height, lodging and shattering, seed size, test weight, herbicide tolerance, milling and baking quality and enhanced traits. To assist growers an Extension Circular EC197 entitled “Using Winter Wheat Yield Data to Improve Variety Selection” was written. The circular contains information on all agronomic characteristics that are important to growers. Wheat variety complementation is also discussed. The circular has information on how to use field trial data and takes producers through an exercise on using their yields and adjusting them so they can compare their yields with field trial data. This is an important step that most producers do not know about and do not know how to do. The circular discusses the Least Significant Differences and what it means. A PowerPoint has been developed to use at meetings and workshops which takes the producer through the various steps in selecting winter wheat varieties. The PowerPoint includes a typical farm scenario, varieties and yields. Those attending then make adjustments to correlate the typical farm yields with the available field trial information. The exercise concludes with the producers working together in groups of four to six selecting winter wheat varieties. Each group lists their variety selections on a transparency and then gives the reasons why they selected the varieties.